As we keep seeing that our readers are asking for more and more words with their gender changed, we are also looking to compile more Hindi words with their ‘ling’ changed. We even see our users using the search bar to find out more words that might be present on our website for their usage and sometimes to teach children during their studies. In our efforts, we have compiled another list of 28 words that have opposite gender in the Hindi language.
Please, feel free to suggest any other words that you might have come across during your studies or you use while talking in Hindi.
Ling Badlo in Hindi | लिंग बदलो
पुल्लिंग | स्त्रीलिंग |
आत्मज | आत्मजा |
महोदय | महोदया |
आचार्य | आचार्या |
अध्यक्ष | अध्यक्षा |
आदरणीय | आदरणीया |
पूज्य | पूज्या |
धावक | धाविका |
निवेदक | निवेदिका |
मुन्ना | मुनिया |
पुजारी | पुजारिन |
ग्वाला | ग्वालिन |
लुहार | लुहारिन |
तेली | तेलिन |
माली | मालिन |
धोबी | धोबिन |
जुलाहा | जुलाहिन |
सुनार | सुनारिन |
प्रबंधकर्ता | प्रबंधकत्री |
यशस्वी | यशस्विनी |
भव | भवानी |
महान | महती |
धैर्यवान | धैर्यवती |
गुणवान | गुणवती |
रूपवान | रूपवती |
वीर | वीरांगना |
बहनोई | बहिन |
बिलाव | बिल्ली |
विद्वान | विदुषी |