How to use Hindi keyboard in Windows 7

Hindi Keyboard

With the emergence of Hindi websites and need of content, lots of people find themselves handicapped because they don’t know how to type in Hindi using any computer. Though there are transliteration software provided by Google and Yahoo, it is still convenient to know the Hindi keyboard by heart.

Instead of going for a Hindi typing software, you can use your own system for online Hindi typing. Please remember that you don’t have to use any special Hindi font as Mangal is automatically picked up once we do the settings.  So, if you can use Hindi typing keyboard, you just have to nothing special and do the usual stuff.

Through this guide, I will tell you how to use Hindi keyboard if you are using Windows 7 in your computer.

How to change Hindi keyboard

Step 1: Go to start menu and click ‘control panel’.

Hindi keyboard

Step 2: Go to settings named ‘Region and Language’

Hindi keyboard

Step 3: Click on the settings named ‘Keyboards and Languages’.

Hindi keyboard

Step 4: Press on the option of ‘change keyboard’

Hindi keyboard

Step 5: You will shown the present keyboard added, which will be English. Press on the option of ‘add’

Hindi keyboard

Step 6: You will be given options to add input language. Choose Hindi and go for Traditional Hindi option and then press ‘OK’.

Hindi keyboard

Step 7: Once you click ‘OK’, you will shown the added keyboards.

Hindi keyboard

Step 8: The taskbar will look like this

Hindi keyboard

Hindi keyboard

How to flip between keyboards

Suppose you want to write dual language and quickly need to flip between two keyboards, you just have to press ‘Alt+Shift’.

With this, you are good to go for typing in Hindi on any software including internet browsers.

Happy Hindi typing!

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