We are providing a list of German to Hindi names of fruits. You can also check the English to Hindi names of fruits. If you would like to know the Hindi name of any other fruit, you can write to us and we will reply.
German | Hindi |
Fruchte | फल |
Ananas | अनानास |
Aphele | सेब |
Aprikose | खुरमाणी |
Banane | केला |
Birne | नाशपाती, नाख |
Erdbeere | हिसालू |
Feige | अञ्जीर |
Himbeere | रसभरी |
Orange | संतरा |
Pfirsich | आडू |
Trauben | अङ्गूर |
Zitrone | नींबू |