कैंड़ा (kainda) = Measure, cut, type |
कैंची (Kainchi) = Scissors, shears, boards, a leg hold in wrestling |
कैंची-काटना (Kainchi-katana) = To slip away |
कैंची-लगाना (Kainchi-lagana) = To apply scissors, or shears to |
क़ै (Qui) = Vomiting, vomit |
क़ै-आना (Qui-ana) = To feel nausea |
क़ै-करना (Qui-karana) = To vomit |
क़ै-लेना (Qui-lena) = To induce vomiting |
क़ै-लानेवाला (Qui-lanewala) = Emetic |
क़ै-दस्त (Qui-dast) = Vomiting with diarrhoea, cholera |
कैटभ (kaitabh) = Name of an Asura demon killed by Vishnu |
कैथ (kaitth) = The wood-apple and its small, hard fruit |
कैथी (kaitth) = A modified form of the Devanagari script used in Bihar |
क़ैद (Qaid) = Imprisonment, confinement, restriction |
क़ैद-करना (Qaid-karna) = To imprison, to capture |
क़ैद-काटना (Qaid-katna) = Undergo a term of imprisonment |
क़ैद-रखना (Qaid-rakhna) = To keep in custody |
क़ैद-रहना (Qaid-rahna) = To remain in custody |
क़ैद-लगाना (Qaid-lagana) = To impose a restriction |
क़ैद-ख़ाना (Qaid-Khaana) = A jail |
क़ैद-तन्हाई (Qaid-tanhai) = Solitary confinement |
क़ैदिन (Qaidin) = A female prisoner |
क़ैदी (Qaidi) = A prisoner, a captive |
कैन (kain) = A bamboo twig |
कैरव (kairav) = A white water-lily, or lotus |
कैरा (kairaa) = Squint-eyed |
कैरी (kairie) = A small unripe mango, a locket made in the shape of a mango |
कैल (kail) = Yellowish grey or cream-coloured of cattle |
कैलास (kailaas) = Name of a mountain supposed to be located in Tibet near the Mansarovar Lake and main abode of Siva |
कैवल्य (kaivalya) = Absolute singleness of state, state of oneness with the absolute being |
क़ैसर (Qaisar) = An emperor, an empress |
कैसा (kaisa) = Of what kind, what sort of, in what condition |
कैसा ही (kaisa-hee) = Of whatever sort, in whatever way |
कैसी-कैसी सुनाना (kaisi-kaisi sunana) = To give a straight talking-to |