खँखड़ (Khankhad)=hard, dry and crackling |
खँखार (Khankhaar)=the sound of clearing the throat |
खँखारना (Khankharna)=to clear the throat |
खंगड़ (Khangad)=hard or dry object |
खँगालना (Khangalna)=to wash, rinse, to probe |
खँचिया (Khanchiya)=a small wicker basket |
खंजन (Khanjan)=a wagtail |
ख़ंजर (Khanjar)=a curved dagger |
ख़ंजरी (Khanjari)=tambourine, a kind of striped silk |
खंड (Khand)=a piece, fragment, region |
खंड कथा (Khand katha)=an episodic narrative |
खंड ग्रहण (Khand grahan)=partial eclipse |
खंडन (Khandan)=breaking into pieces, preventing, revoking |
खंडनीय (Khandneeya)=to be rejected |
खंडर (Khandar)=a ruined building, dilapidated |
खंडरीच (Khandreech)=a wagtail |
खंडहर (Khandhar)=same meaning as of Khandar |
खंडा (Khanda)=broken rice, a fragment |
खंडित (Khandit)=broken, destroyed, split |
खंभा (Khambha)=pillar, pole, post |
खँभार (Khambhaar)=distress |