List of Hindi names of numerals from English–संख्या
Here is a list of Hindi names of numerals from English. If you would like to know the Hindi name of any other numerals, you can contact us through comment section or directly. We will love to hear from you if you would like to provide you feedback in making these tutorials more interesting or better.
Recommended books to explore Hindi language more:
One | एक |
Two | दो |
Three | तीन |
Four | चार |
Five | पांच |
Six | छे |
Seven | सात |
Eight | आठ |
Nine | नौ |
Ten | दस |
why do not u have numbers in hindi from 1 to 100
Thanks! I will try to work on that one.
I would like to request for all the numbers from 1 – 100 in hindi literature, as I am learning this language in order to come for a short visit to India.
Hope so you will do the needful by sending an PDF format on the above mentioned e-mail.
Thanks & regards
I want nummber names from 1-100
i want hindi numerals upto 100