25 Hindi Names of Millets from English | 25 Millets in Hindi
Millets, known as “super grains,” are small-seeded grasses full of nutrition and sustainability benefits. These ancient grains, including varieties like Pearl Millet (बाजरा), Finger Millet (रागी), and…

Continents Name in Hindi | महाद्वीपों के नाम
7 Continents Name in Hindi | 7 महाद्वीपों के नाम | महाद्वीपों के नाम Name of Continent महाद्वीप का नाम Asia एशिया North America उत्तर अमेरिका South…

भारत के पड़ोसी देश | Neighboring countries of India
भारत के पड़ोसी देश कितने हैं और उनके नाम? | भारत के 7 पड़ोसी देश कौन कौन से हैं? | भारत के पड़ोसी देशों के नाम क्या…
English Hindi Names of Kitchen Utensils
It is very interesting to know the English to Hindi names of kitchen utensils. Though, a lot of people just tend to use English names because in…

Botanical Names of Fruits | Botanical Name of Fruits in Hindi | फलों के वानस्पतिक नाम
Below are the Botanical Names of Fruits in Hindi and English Let us know about your views and feedback through comment section. फलों के वानस्पतिक नाम (Botanical…

Components of Food in Hindi and English | भोजन के अवयव
Below are the Hindi and English Names of Components of Food Let us know about your views and feedback through comment section. The main components of foods…

10 Deserts Names in Hindi | विश्व के 10 प्रमुख मरूस्थलों के नाम
रेगिस्तान भूमि का एक क्षेत्र है जो बहुत शुष्क होता है क्योंकि इसमें कम मात्रा में वर्षा होती है। Below are the Hindi and English Names of…

Natural Disasters in Hindi | प्राकृतिक आपदाओं के हिंदी में नाम
A natural disaster is a major adverse event resulting from natural processes of the Earth; examples include floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, and other…

Soil Types in Hindi | भारत में मिट्टी के प्रकार | Soil Types in India | Soil types Names in Hindi & English
Soil is a mixture of organic matter, minerals, gases, liquids, and organisms that together support life. Below are the various types of soil found in India- Let…

Presidents of India | Presidents Names in Hindi & and English | राष्ट्रपतियों के नाम हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में
The President is the head of the Republic of India and is the first citizen of India. Article 53 of the Indian Constitution states that all the…

Reptiles and Amphibians Names in Hindi | रेंगनेवाले जीवों के हिंदी और अंग्रेज़ी में नाम | रेप्टाइल्स एंड एम्फीबिअन्स नेम्स इन हिंदी
Reptiles are animals that are cold-blooded. Most reptiles lay eggs and their skin is covered with hard, dry scales. Below are the Hindi and English names Of Reptiles….
Internal organs of the human body in Hindi & English | 25 Hindi Names of Internal organs of the human body | Internal Organs names in Hindi & English
There are many organs that are hidden inside our body, and knowing them can give us a good understanding of the functionality too. Below are the Hindi…
What is Jimikand in English | Jimikand Name in English
Jimikand is also known as Ol or Suran in India. It is used as a vegetable in various States of the country, and sometimes also used as…

10 Endangered Animals in India | भारत में 10 लुप्तप्राय पशु | Endangered Animals Names in Hindi & English
Below are the names of 10 Endangered Animals in India. If you are looking for names of Endangered Animals, this list will help you. If you have…

Our Community Helpers Names in Hindi | हमारे सामुदायिक सहायकों के नाम हिंदी में
Below are the Hindi Names of Our Community Helpers. If you are looking for names of Our Community Helpers in the Hindi language from English, this list…

8 Union Territories of India in Hindi | Union Territories Names in Hindi | केंद्र शासित प्रदेशों हिंदी में नाम
Below are the Union Territories Names in Hindi. If you are looking for names of Union Territories, this list will help you. For the benefit of students,…

28 States of India | 28 States Names in Hindi | भारत के राज्यों के हिंदी में नाम
Below are the 28 States Names in Hindi. If you are looking for names of Indian States, this list will help you. For the benefit of students,…

Scientists Names and their Inventions In Hindi | वैज्ञानिकों के नाम और उनके आविष्कार हिंदी में
Below are the Scientists Names and their Inventions In Hindi. If you are looking for names of Scientists, this list will help you. If you have any…

12 Aquatic Plants Names in Hindi and English | Aquatic Plants Names | Water Plants Names | पानी में उगने वाले पौधों के हिंदी में नाम | जलीय पौधों के हिंदी में नाम
Below are the Hindi Names of Aquatic plants. If you are looking for names of aquatic plants in the Hindi language from English, this list will help…

Medicinal Plants names in Hindi and English| औषधीय पौधों के हिंदी नाम | 20 Medicinal Plants names in Hindi and English
We know that there are a lot of plants around us which are medicinal and beneficial for our general health. Do you know some of the names…