Hindi names of items used to make a house
Here is a list of Hindi names of items used to make houses: Wall दीवार Brick ईँट Roof छत Window खिड़की Door द्वार Entrance प्रवेश Steps पौड़ी…
Hindi names of stationery items used in a classroom
Here are the Hindi names of stationery items users in a classroom from English. Recommended books to explore Hindi language more: stationery लेखन सामग्री Chair कुर्सी Table…
Hindi names of geographical distributions
Here are the Hindi names of geographical distributions of land according to which the population of the world exists on this earth. Village गाँव Town उपनगर City…
Hindi names of birds
Hindi names of birds from English Here is a list of Hindi names of birds from English. If you would like to know Hindi name of any…
Hindi names of spices, food items in English
Below is the list of Hindi names of spices, food items used in daily routine in our kitchen. Do let us know if you know any other…

Insects names in Hindi and English| कीड़ों के हिंदी में नाम | 20 Insects names in Hindi and English
Here is a list of Hindi names of 20 insects from English. Almost all of them can be easily seen and known in our daily lives, as…
Hindi names of geographical distributions
List of Hindi names of geographical distributions I present here a list of names of geographical distributions English and Hindi. Universe ब्रह्माण्ड World विश्व Planet ग्रह Continent…
Hindi Names of Body Parts
List of Hindi names of body parts from English–शरीर के अंग Here is a list of Hindi names of body parts from English. If you would like…
Hindi names of directions
List of Hindi names of directions from English–दिशाएँ Here is a list of Hindi names of directions from English. If you have any suggestions or feedback to…
Hindi names of time periods
List of Hindi names of time periods from English–समय-अंश I present here a list of names of time periods in English and Hindi.
Hindi names of professions and professionals
List of Hindi names of professions and professionals in English–व्यवसाय I present here a list of professionals in English and Hindi. Here is a list of Hindi…
Hindi names of metals and minerals
List of Hindi names of metals and minerals from English–धातु We present here the list of the names of metals and minerals in English and Hindi languages….