Here is a list of Hindi names of 20 insects from English. Almost all of them can be easily seen and known in our daily lives, as they roam around our houses during different weathers and conditions.
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Insects names in Hindi and English
Ant– चींटी (Cheenti)
Butterfly– तितली (Titli)
House Fly– मक्खी (Makkhi)
Caterpillar– झींगा (Jheenga)
Spider– मकड़ी (Makdi)
Mosquito– मच्छर (Machhar)
Cockroach- तिलचिट्टा (Tilchitta)
Silkworm– रेशम का कीड़ा (Resham Ka Keeda)
Beetle– मोगरी (Mogri)
Bedbug– खटमल (Khatmal)
Moth– पतंगा (Patangaa)
Scorpion– बिच्छू (Bichhu)
Bug– कीड़ा (Keeda)
Worm– कीड़ा (Keeda)
Termite– दीमक (Deemak)
Cricket– झींगुर (Jhingur)
Wasp– ततैया (Tataiya)
Firefly– जुगनू (Jugnu)
Locust– टिड्डी (Tiddi)
Louse– जूं (Joon)