Hindi numbers 1 to 100 are easy to learn if you know the Hindi language. Learning the numbers in any language help a lot in conversation and also enhances the ability to learn the language better. So, if you are looking to learn Hindi, learning Hindi numbers from 1 to 100 is a good way of doing it. Hindi numbers are easy to learn because the names are quite small just like they are in the English language. Hindi numbers or Hindi counting is called Hindi Ginti or हिन्दी गिनती in the Hindi language.
Hindi Ginti (हिन्दी गिनती)
Counting or the numbers in the Hindi language are called ‘गणना or गिनती’ or ‘Ganana or Ginti’ and therefore a lot of people search for the phrase ‘Hindi Ginti.’ Sometimes they just want to know what is 70 in Hindi, or any such number. Sometimes, they type they want to know the Hindi numbers 1 to 100 in words. Especially, for children, this is very helpful because, in the primary classes, they need to know these numbers.
So, to help our users so that they could know the Hindi numbers 1 to 100 in words, we have provided the Hindi in. We provide the list of Hindi numbers from 1-100 in English and in numerals. We hope our readers would find them helpful.
English Names of Numbers | Numerals | Hindi Numbers 1 to 100 |
One | १ | एक |
Two | २ | दो |
Three | ३ | तीन |
Four | ४ | चार |
Five | ५ | पाञ्च |
Six | ६ | छे |
Seven | ७ | सात |
Eight | ८ | आठ |
Nine | ९ | नौ |
Ten | १॰ | दस |
Eleven | ११ | ग्यारह |
Twelve | १२ | बारह |
Thirteen | १३ | तेरह |
Fourteen | १४ | चौदह |
Fifteen | १५ | पन्द्रह |
Sixteen | १६ | सोलह |
Seventeen | १७ | सत्रह |
Eighteen | १८ | अठारह |
Nineteen | १९ | उन्नीस |
Twenty | २॰ | बीस |
Twenty-one | २१ | इक्कीस |
Twenty-two | २२ | बाईस |
Twenty-three | २३ | तेईस |
Twenty-four | २४ | चौबीस |
Twenty-five | २५ | पच्चीस |
Twenty-six | २६ | छब्बीस |
Twenty-seven | २७ | सत्तइस |
Twenty-eight | २८ | अठ्ठाइस |
Twenty-nine | २९ | उन्तीस |
Thirty | ३॰ | तीस |
Thirty-one | ३१ | इकतीस |
Thirty-two | ३२ | बत्तीस |
Thirty-three | ३३ | तेतीस |
Thirty-four | ३४ | चौतीस |
Thirty-five | ३५ | पैंतीस |
Thirty-six | ३६ | छत्तीस |
Thirty-seven | ३७ | सैंतीस |
Thirty-eight | ३८ | अड़तीस |
Thirty-nine | ३९ | उन्तालीस |
Forty | ४॰ | चालीस |
Forty-one | ४१ | इकतालीस |
Forty-two | ४२ | ब्यालीस |
Forty-three | ४३ | तेतालीस |
Forty-four | ४४ | चौवालीस |
Forty-five | ४५ | पैंतालीस |
Forty-six | ४६ | छियालीस |
Forty-seven | ४७ | सैतालीस |
Forty-eight | ४८ | अड़तालीस |
Forty-nine | ४९ | उनंचास |
Fifty | ५॰ | पचास |
Fifty-one | ५१ | इक्यावन |
Fifty-two | ५२ | बावन |
Fifty-three | ५३ | तिरेपन |
Fifty-four | ५४ | चौअन |
Fifty-five | ५५ | पचपन |
Fifty-six | ५६ | छप्पन |
Fifty-seven | ५७ | सत्तावन |
Fifty-eight | ५८ | अठ्ठावन |
Fifty-nine | ५९ | उनसठ |
Sixty | ६॰ | साठ |
Sixty-one | ६१ | इकसठ |
Sixty-two | ६२ | बासठ |
Sixty-three | ६३ | तिरसठ |
Sixty-four | ६४ | चौंसठ |
Sixty-five | ६५ | पैंसठ |
Sixty-six | ६६ | छियासठ |
Sixty-seven | ६७ | सरसठ |
Sixty-eight | ६८ | अरसठ |
Sixty-nine | ६९ | उनहत्तर |
Seventy | ७॰ | सत्तर |
Seventy-one | ७१ | इकहत्तर |
Seventy-two | ७२ | बहत्तर |
Seventy-three | ७३ | तिहत्तर |
Seventy-four | ७४ | चौहत्तर |
Seventy-five | ७५ | पिचत्तर |
Seventy-six | ७६ | छिहत्तर |
Seventy-seven | ७७ | सतत्तर |
Seventy-eight | ७८ | अठत्तर |
Seventy-nine | ७९ | उनासी |
Eighty | ८॰ | अस्सी |
Eighty-one | ८१ | इक्यासी |
Eighty-two | ८२ | ब्यासी |
Eighty-three | ८३ | तिरासी |
Eighty-four | ८४ | चौरासी |
Eighty-five | ८५ | पिचासी |
Eighty-six | ८६ | छियासी |
Eighty-seven | ८७ | सतासी |
Eighty-eight | ८८ | अठासी |
Eighty-nine | ८९ | नवासी |
Ninety | ९॰ | नब्बे |
Ninety-one | ९१ | इक्यानवे |
Ninety-two | ९२ | बानवे |
Ninety-three | ९३ | तिरानवे |
Ninety-four | ९४ | चौरानवे |
Ninety-five | ९५ | पिञ्चानवे |
Ninety-six | ९६ | छियानवे |
Ninety-seven | ९७ | सत्तानवे |
Ninety-eight | ९८ | अठ्ठानवे |
Ninety-Nine | ९९ | निन्यानवे |
Hundred | १॰॰ | सौ |

Happy you found it worthy.
I liked it……………….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its good,v-good,vvvvv-good,excelent etc../…………………….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
U are great thank u
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39 is untalis
46 is chiyalis
53 is tirepan
63 is tirasath
66 is chiyasath
76 is chihattar
86 is chiyasi
93 is tiranave
96 is chiranave
Thanks for pointing out the spelling errors–we have corrected them.
thanks for giveing hindi number
Cool! Thankyou so much
Helped me kn my studies thanks
This is legendary
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok really helpful