Hindi Tattoos

Hindi translation and Hindi tattoos

We are native speakers of Hindi and provide translation services for English to Hindi and Hindi to English. We provide services for Hindi tattoos and we have done multiple projects for our customers in the past.

If you would like to get any Tattoo translated, you can click on the “Buy Now” button given below and pay us through Paypal. We can send you the translated Tattoo in any format including .doc, .pdf, .jpeg, .png, etc. We provide tattoo translation in any of the these languages: Sanskrit, Hindi, Punjabi, Telugu, Tamil from English and Vice-Versa. We will send the tattoos in Sanskrit 99 font, which is best suited for Sanskrit. If you want the Hindi tattoos in .doc file, you will need to download this font here: Download Sanskrit 99 font here.

Price Per Word

While you send the order, please do mention in what format you will want to receive Sanskrit tattoo. By default, we will be sending it in .jpeg format through the email. Do not hesitate if you would like to know anything regarding our services.

Some Examples:
Hindi Tattoo
Hindi Tattoo

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. I was extremely satisfied with the services provided. The turnaround time for translating the Hindi tattoo was quick and I could get it done for me easily.

    I highly recommend their service, which is easy to work with, quick, and cheap in price to say the least. Thanks!

  2. Can you please help he write Priasha for tattooing. I have it as below, need to think of something to make it look stylish.
    Can you please recommend something?

    Priasha [pri-ya-sha] = प्रियाशा

  3. Hi Vikram,

    Well, I don’t provide designing services but only the translation. However, if you have this written in PowerPoint or in some designing software, I am sure you can get many ideas for tattooing.

    Best of luck!

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