Hindi To English Meaning Of Words Starting with An and Am | अं से शब्द | अँ से शब्द

अँटवाना (Antwana)=to fit, to cram
अंटा (Anta)=a ball, a marble
अँटिया (Antiya)=bundle, bunch
अंटी (Antee)=a reel or frame on which the thread is wound
अँठई (Anthayee)=a type of tick found on dogs
अँठलाना (Anthlana)=to stutter
अंड (Anda)=egg, testicle, the universe
अंड कोश (Ant kosh)=scrotum
अंडज (Andaj)=egg-born
अंडवृत्त (Andvrit)=an ellipse
अंडाकार (Andakar)=egg-shaped, oval
अंडाकृति (Andakriti)=oval, ellipse
अंडाशय (Andashaya)=the ovaries
अंड बंड (And band)=entangled, incoherent
अंडा (Andaa)=egg
अंडी (Andi)=the fruit of the castor-tree which contains the oil
अंत (Anta)=inner, end, limit
अंतःकक्ष (Antahkaksh)=inner chamber
अंतःकरण (Antahkarna)=the heart, inner faculty
अंतःकालीन (Antahkaleen)=temporary
अंतःक्रिया (Antahkriya)=inner process
अंतःपुर (Antahpur)=inner quarters, women’s quarters
अंतःस्थ (Antahstha)=situated in the middle
अंतःस्वर (Antahswar)=inner voice
अंत करना (Ant karna)=to finish
अंत में (Ant mein)=at the end
अंत कर्म (Ant karma)=death, destruction
अंत समय (Ant samay)=at the hour of death
अंतज (Antaj)=last born
अंताक्षरी (Antakshri)=a game of forming words linked with the last letter of the previous word
अँतड़ी (Antadi)=entrails, the vitals
अंतर् (Antar)=interior, inner
अंतरंग (Antrang)=intimate, close
अंतराल (Antral)=interval, central
अंतर्कालीन (Antarkaleen)=internal, innermost
अंतर्गत (Antargat)=included, internal, within

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