भूँजना (Bhoonjna) = To parch grain, to roast |
भूँदरी (Bhoondari) = A piece of land let rent-free as to village servants |
भूँसना (Bhoonsna) = To bark |
भू (Bhoo) = Land, site, the earth, place |
भूकंप (Bhookamp) = Earthquake |
भूकंप विज्ञान (Bhookamp vigyan) = Seismology |
भू-खंड (Bhoo-khand) = Area of the land |
भू-गर्भ (Bhoo-garbh) = The inner earth |
भू-गर्भित (Bhoo-garbhit) = Taking place underground as atomic tests |
भूगोल (Bhoogol) = Geography, the globe |
भू-विज्ञान (Bhoo-vigyan) = Geography |
भू-चक्र (Bhoo-chakar) = The equator |
भू-चाल (Bhoo-chal) = Rotation of the earth, earthquake |
भू-डोल (Bhoo-dol) = Earthquake |
भू-तल (Bhoo-tal) = Surface of the earth |
भूदान (Bhoodan) = Grant of land, of land revenue, the movement led by Vinoba Bhave |
भूधर (Bhoodhar) = A mountain, earth-supporter |
भू-पति (Bhoopati) = Earth-lord, king |
भूपाल (Bhoopal) = Son of the earth, the planet Mars |
भू-बंदी (Bhoo-bandi) = Pertaining to foot-soldiers |
भू-लड़ाई (Bhoo-ladai) = Foot skirmish |
भूभार (Bhoobhar) = Burden of the world as sustained by Vishnu when incarnate |
भूमध्यरेखा (Bhoomadhayrekha) = Equator |
भूमध्यसागर (Bhoomadhysagar) = The Mediterranean Sea |
भूमध्यस्थ (Bhoomadhyasth) = Situated in the middle of the earth, surrounded by land |
भूलोक (Bhoolok) = The terrestrial world |
भूविज्ञान (Bhoovigyan) = Geology |
भू-वैज्ञानिक (Bhoo-vigyanic) = Geologist |
भूसुर (Bhoosur) = A brahman, earth-god |
भूस्वामी (Bhoosvami) = Landowner, landlord |
भूआ (Bhooa) = Cotton of the semal tree, a hair caterpillar harmful to certain crops, fine hair |
भूई (Bhooie) = Ashes, carrier of a palanquin |
भूक (Bhook) = Cleft as in the earth, time, hole |
भूकड़ (Bhookad) = Hungry |
भूख (Bhookh) = Appetite, desire, hunger |
भूख मरना (Bhookh marna) = Appetite, hunger, to subside |
भूख लगना (Bhookh lagna) = To be hungry, hunger to be felt by |
भूखों मरना (Bhookhon marna) = To die of hunger, to starve |
भूखों मार डालना (Bhookhon mar dalna) = To starve one to death |
भूख-प्यास (Bhookh-pyas) = Appetite, hunger and thirst |
भूखा (Bhookha) = Starving, hungry, desirous |
भूखे पेट (Bhookhe pet) = On an empty stomach |
भूखा-नंगा (Bhookha-nanga) = Destitute, hungry and naked |
भूड़ (Bhood) = Porous soil, a sandy |
भूड़ल (Bhoodal) = Potstone, mica, soapstone |
भूत (Bhoot) = An evil spirit, an ugly person, happened, earth, water, fire, air, ether, an ascetic |
भूत उतारना (Bhoot utarna) = To cast out an evil spirit from |
भूत सवार होना (Bhoot svar hona) = To be obsessed, to rage |
भूत बनना (Bhoot bnana) = To rage, to become drunk |
भूत लगना (Bhoot lagna) = To become possessed |
भूत होना (Bhoot hona) = To rage |
भूत-काल (Bhoot-kal) = Past tense, the past |
भूत-ख़ाना (Bhoot-khana) = Dirty or neglected living quarters, fiends’ house |
भूत-ग्रस्त (Bhoot-grast) = Possessed by an evil spirit |
भूत-पूर्णिमा (Bhoot-purnima) = The full moon of the month Asvin |
भूतपूर्व (Bhootpoorv) = Former, previous |
भूत-प्रेत (Bhoot-pret) = Spirits of the dead which are not yet reincarnated, ghosts and spirits |
भूत-यज्ञ (Bhoot-yag) = A sacrifice to be performed by a householder |
भूतात्मा (Bhootatma) = The body, the soul, the supreme being |
भूतारि (Bhootari) = Asafoetida, enemy of evil beings |
भूतनी (Bhootni) = Demoness |
भूति (Bhooti) = Ashes, power, birth, state of being, existence |
भूनना (Bhoonana) = To bake, to roast, to burn, to cause suffering to |
भूभल (Bhoobhal) = Hot embers |
भूमा (Bhooma) = The earth |
भूमि (Bhoomi) = The earth, agrarian land, area, region |
भूमि-क्षरण (Bhoomi-kshran) = Erosion |
भूमिसात (Bhoomisat) = In ruins a plan, levelled to the ground |
भूमिहार (Bhoomihar) = Community of cultivators in Bihar and U.P. |
भूमिहीन (Bhoomiheen) = Landless |
भूमिका (Bhoomika) = Preface, introduction to a book, role, preamble |
भूमिका अदा करना (Bhoomika ada karna) = To play a role or part |
भूमिका बाँधना (Bhoomika bandhna) = To beat about the bush verbally |
भूमिया (Bhoomiya) = Landowner, original inhabitant, local deity |
भूमियाल (Bhoomiyal) = Home region |
भूमियावत (Bhoomiyavt) = Laying waste by local chiefs, plundering |
भूमियावती (Bhoomiyavati) = A rebel chief |
भूय (Bhooyah) = Further, afterwards, repeatedly |
भूयन (Bhooyan) = The headman of a Gond village |
भूर (Bhoor) = Sand, a spring, fountain, alms |
भूर-लोक (Bhoor-lok) = This world, the earth |
भूरा (Bhoora) = Brown colour, greyish, raw sugar, a westernised Indian, section of village land lying furthest from the village itself |
भूरि (Bhoori) = Many, abundant, much |
भूरि प्रशंसा करना (Bhoori prashansa karna) = To lavish praise on |
भूरी (Bhoori) = Sandy soil |
भूर्ज (Bhooraj) = A birch |
भूल (Bhool) = Omission, mistake, error |
भूल करना (Bhool karna) = To make a mistake |
भूल-भुलैयाँ (Bhool-bhulayan) = Labytinth, maze |
भूलना (Bhoolna) = To forget, to go astray, to overlook |
भूलकर भी (Bhoolkar bhi) = On no account |
भूला-चूका (Bhoola-chuka) = A forgetful or bad memory |
भूला-बिसरा (Bhoola-bisra) = Wandering, forgotten, a casual visitor |
भूला-भटका (Bhoola-bhatka) = Astray, wandering |
भूषण (Bhooshan) = Decoration, adornment, ornament |
भूषा (Bhoosha) = Fashionable style of clothing, ornamentation of dress |
भूषित (Bhooshit) = Adorned |
भूसा (Bhoosa) = Bran, chaff, husk, straw |
भूसा उड़ाना (Bhoosa udana) = To thrash, to lament |
भूसा भरना (Bhoosa bharna) = To stuff with straw |
भूसा-जिंस (Bhoosa-jinas) = The various varieties of unhusked grain |
भूसी (Bhoosi) = Chaff, bran, husk |