बूँट (Boont) |
बूँट-पुलाव (Boont-pulav) |
बूँद (Boond) |
बूँद की बूँद (Boond ki boond) |
बूँद चुराना (Boond churana) |
बूँदा (Boonda) |
बूँदा बूँदा (Boonda boonda) |
बूँदा-बाँदी (Boonda-bandi) |
बूँदी (Boondi) |
बू (Boo) |
बू आना (Boo ana) |
बू फैलना (Boo failna) |
बू पाना (Boo pana) |
बूदार (Boodar) |
बूआ (Booaa) |
बूक (Book) |
बूकना (Bookna) |
बूका (Booka) |
बूचा (Boocha) |
बूज़ा (Booza) = An alcoholic drink made from rice, barley or millet |
बूज़े-खाना (Booze-khana) = Liquor-stall |
बूझ (Boojh) = Guessing, perceiving, understanding |
बूझ-बूझक्कड़ (Boojh-boojhakkad) = Vain of knowledge or intelligence |
बूझना (Boojhna) = To ascertain, to enquire, to consider, to perceive |
बूझकर (Boojhkar) = Intentionally, knowingly |
बूझा-बूझी (Boojha-boojhi) = Guessing, a children’s guessing game |
बूटा (Boota) = Shrub, flower as painted or embroidered |
बूटा काढ़ना (Boota kadna) = To embroider, to work flower on |
बूटे का-सा कद (Boote ka-sa kad) = Small stature |
बूटेदार (Bootedar) = Flowered cloth |
बूटी (Booty) = Any medicinal plant |
बूड़ना (Boodna) = To be drowned, to dive, to be immersed |
बूड़िया (Boodya) = A diver |
बूढ़ा (Booda) = Aged, an old man |
बूढ़ा चोचला (Booda chochla) = Affectation of youthfulness in old age |
बूढ़ा होना (Booda hona) = To grow old |
बूढ़ापन (Boodapan) = Old age |
बूढ़ी (Boodi) = Old woman |
बूता (Boota) = Capacity, strength, ability, power |
बूते का काम (Boote ka kaam) = Work within the power of |
बूते बाहर (Boote bahar) = Beyond one’s power |
बूबक (Boobak) = Old fool, a fool |
बूबू (Booboo) = Lady, elder sister |
बूम (Boom) = An owl |
बूर (Boor) = Chaff, rubbish, a sweet-scented grass used medicinally and as fodder, pile on material, nap |
बूर का लड्डू (Boor ka laddoo) = Balls made with husk, a sweet, person outwardly promising which proves a disappointment |
बूरा (Boora) = Filings, sawdust, powder, coarse sugar, a redeemable mortgage |