Hindi to English Meaning of Words Starting With Ga| ग से शब्द

 से शुरु होने वाले शब्दों की सूची नीचे दी गई है।

ग (Ga)= the third consonant of Devanagri syllabary
गंग (Gang)= the river Ganges
गंगा (Ganga)= the river Ganges
गंगाल (Gangal)= a large metal vessel for holding water
गंगाला (Gangala)= land subject to flooding of the Ganges
(1)गंज (Ganj)= a store, hoard; a grain market; heap, pile
(2)गंज (Ganj)= baldness; a complaint of the scalp
गंजन (Ganjan)= contempt, disrespect; destruction; one who destroys
(1)गॅंजना (Ganjna)= to treat with contempt or disrespect, to abuse; to destroy
(2)गॅंजना (Ganjna)= to pile up
गंजा (Ganja)= bald
गॅंजाई (Ganjai)= heaping or piling up
गॅंजिया (Ganjiya)= a saddle-bag, a coarse bag of hemp fibre
(1)गंजी (Ganji)= heap, pile
(2)गंजी (Ganji)= a woollen vest
गंजीफ़ा (Ganjifa)= a pack of card; a kind of card game (played with a pack of ninety six cards, 12 per suit)
गॅंजेड़ी (Ganjedi)= one addicted to hemp (cannabis)
गॅंजेरी (Ganjeri)= (गॅंजिया) a saddle-bag, a coarse bag of hemp fibre
गॅंठ (Ganth)= गाॅंठ
गॅंठना (Ganthna)= गठना
गॅंठिया (Ganthiya)= गठिया
गॅंठी (Ganthi)= a root or flake (as of an onion); a clove (of garlic)
गॅंठीला (Gantheela)= knotted, knotty
गंड (Gand)= the cheek, the temple
गंडा (Ganda)= an aggregate of flour; the number four; counting by fours; a knot; a cord or piece of cotton consisting usually of coloured threads knotted together tied around a neck, wrist or ankle (as a charm to avert the evil eye); a cord or string of shells or metal plates fastened round animals’ necks as an ornament or charm
गॅंडासा (Gandasa)= (गॅंड़ासा) a chopper for crop stalks; a long-handled chopper or axe (serving as a weapon)
गॅंड़ासा (Gandasa)= a chopper for crop stalks; a long-handled chopper or axe (serving as a weapon)
गॅंड़ासी (Gandasi)= a small chopper
गंडी (Gandi)= a magic circle (to ward off danger)
गॅंडेरी (Ganderi)= (गॅंड़ेरी) a section of sugar-cane (between two knots)
गॅंड़ेरी (Ganderi)= a section of sugar-cane (between two knots)
गंतव्य (Gantavya)= to be gone (by), or traversed (as a road); destination
गंद (Gand)= a smell, stench; filth
गंदक (Gandak)= गंधक
गंदगी (Gandgi)= dirt, filth; obscenity; a smell, stench
गॅंदलाहट (Gandlahat)= dirtiness; pollution
गंदा (Ganda)= dirty, filthy; obscene; vile, bad (of temper); stinking, rotten, rancid
गंदुम (Gandum)= wheat
गंदुमी (Gandumi)= wheat-coloured
गंध (Gandh)= smell, fragrance, scent; a scented substance, perfume; a bad smell, stench