जूँ (Joon) = A tiny object, a louse |
जूँ की चाल चलना (Joon ki chal chalna) = To move at the speed of a tortoise |
जूँ दिखाना (Joon dikhana) = To get one to search for lice |
जूँ देखना (Joon dekhna) = To search for lice |
जूँ पड़ना (Joon padna) = To become infested with lice |
जूएँ मारना (Jooen marna) = To kill lice, to dilly-dally |
जूँ-मुँहा (Joon-munha) = Hypocritical, smooth-tongued |
जूझ (Joojh) = Struggle, fighting, battle |
जूझना (Joojhna) = To struggle, to fight with, to wage war with |
जूझ मरना (Joojh marna) = To die fighting |
जूट (Joot) = The matted or twisted hair of an ascetic or of the god Siva |
जूठन (Joothan) = Remnants of food, an object previously used by another |
जूठा (Jootha) = Made impure, tasted food, left uneaten, made impure cooking |
जूड़ (Jood) = Cold |
जूड़ा (Jooda) = The hair coiled or tied up behind, cold |
जूड़ी (Joodi) = A shivering fit, fever |
जूड़ी आना (Joodi ana) = A fever to be felt coming on |
जूत (Joot) = A shoe, slipper |
जूत-ख़ोरा (Joot-khora) = Beaten with shoes |
जूत-पैज़ार (Joot-paijar) = Fighting with shoes |
जूता (Joota) = A shoe, a pair of shoes, slippers, sandals |
जूता मारना (Joota marna) = To pick up a shoe to beat one, to perform debasing tasks |
जूता काटना (Joota katna) = A shoe to pinch |
जूता खाना (Joota khana) = To suffer a shoe-beating, to be treated insultingly |
जूता गाँठना (Joota ganthna) = To mend a shoe, to do unclean work |
जूता चलना (Joota chalna) = Vindictive quarrel, a fracas |
जूता पड़ना (Joota padna) = Shoe to fall upon |
जूता खाना (Joota khana) = To receive a humiliating rebuff |
जूता बरसना (Joota barsna) = To treat contemptuously, to give one a shoe-beating |
जूता लगना (Joota lagna) = A shoe to pinch |
जूते का यार (Joote ka yaar) = One only fit to be beaten |
जूते सिर पर रखकर भागना (Joote syr par rakhkar bhagna) = To take to one’s heels |
जूते सीधे करना (Joote sidhe karna) = To set another’s shoes straight, to fawn upon |
जूताख़ोर (Jootakhor) = One who has suffered a shoe-beating, mean |
जूता-जूती पर आना (Joota-jooti par ana) = To come to blows |
जूती (Jooti) = A small shoe, slipper, a woman’s shoe, sandal |
जूतीयाँ मारना (Jootian marna) = Contemptible, of no worth, base |
जूती पर जूती चढ़ना (Jooti par jooti chadna) = Regarded as the sign of an impending journey |
जूती पर रखकर रोटी देना (Jooti par rakhkar roti dena) = To support one while treating him with contempt |
जूतियाँ उठाना (Jootian uthana) = To perform menial or degrading tasks for |
जूतियाँ खाना (Jootian khana) = To be treated insultingly, to suffer a shoe-beating |
जूतियाँ चटकाते फिरना (Jootian chatkate firna) = To walk about idly, or not knowing what to do |
जूतियाँ चलना (Jootian chalna) = A fracas to occur among |
जूतियाँ मारना (Jootian marna) = To give one a shoe-beating, to speak harshly to |
जूतियाँ लगना (Jootian lagna) = Shoes to fall upon |
जूतियाँ पड़ना (Jootian padna) = To grovel, to abase oneself |
जूतियाँ सीधी करना (Jootian sidhi karna) = To set another’s shoes straight |
जूतीखोर (Jootikhor) = Beaten with slippers |
जूती-छिपाई (Jooti-chipai) = The hiding of a bridegroom’s shoes by the bride’s sister and friends, money which he gives to recover them |
जूती-पौज़ार (Jooti-poujar) = Fracas. a fight with shoes |
जून (Joon) = June, old, a particular time, a meal-time |
जून बदलना (Joon badlna) = To transmigrate, to change births |
जून पाना (Joon pana) = To be reborn |
जून पूरी करना (Joon puri karna) = To live out one’s allotted life |
जूना (Joona) = Old, decayed, thin, a grass rope, a bundle of grass for cleaning vessels |
जूप (Joop) = A game of dice played by a newly wed couple as part of the wedding ceremony |
जूरी-मारी (Jooti-mari) = Land actually in possession as distinct from that to which a man is entitled by descent |
जूला (Joola) = A tract of land sixteen bisis in area |
जूलाई (Joolai) = July month of the year |
जूस (Joos) = Juice from cooked fruit, cooking-water from vegetables |
जूसताख (Joostakh) = Name of a game |
जूसी (Joosi) = Sugar-cane juice |
जूह (Jooh) = A yoke |
जूहड़ (Joohad) = A yoke attached to a plough |
जूही (Joohi) = A kind of firework |