त्रिंश (Trinsh)=thirtieth |
त्रिंशत् (Trinshat)=thirty |
त्रि (Tri)=three, triple |
त्रिकाल (Trikal, Trikaal)=the three times, or the three tenses i.e. past, present and future |
त्रिकालदर्शी (Trikaldarshi)=the one who can see all the three times |
त्रिकूट (Trikut, Trikoot)=a mountain that has three peaks |
त्रिकोण (trikon)=triangle |
त्रिकोणमिति (Triconmiti)=trigonometry |
त्रिदल (Tridal)=a trefoil |
त्रिदोष (Tridosh)=a triple disorder of bile, blood, and phlegm |
त्रिधा (Tridha)=triple |
त्रिदेव (Tridev)=the trinity |
त्रिनयन (Trinayan)=three eyes |
त्रिलोचन (Trilochan)=same meaning as of त्रिनयन |
त्रिपथ (Tripath)=intersection of three roads |
त्रिभुज (Tribhuj)=having three arms or sides |
त्रिभुवन (Tribhuvan)=the three worlds |
त्रिक (Trik)=threefold |
त्रिगुण (Trigun)=the three types of gunas |
त्रिगुणी (Triguni)=one having three types of gunas |
त्रिज्या (Trijya)=a radius |
त्रिमूर्ति (Trimurti, Trimoorti)= |
त्रिलोक (Trilok)=the three worlds |
त्रिवर्ग (Trivvarg)=a class formed by three things |
त्रिविध (Trividh)=in three ways |
त्रिवेणी (Triveni)=the confluence of rivers at Allahabad namely, Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati |
त्रिशूल (Trishul, Trishool)=a trident |