Hindi translation on websites still faulty

The websites are trying to catch the Hindi audience by providing them a Hindi version of the e-commerce website. However, the casual approach towards Hindi lands them…

Learning Hindi language–what foreigners should expect

Well, it is not easy to learn Hindi on your own and more so if you are not from India. However, if you really are up to…

बच्चे भाषा ज्ञान कैसे लेते हैं

कल मेरी बेटी जो कि दो वर्ष से भी छोटी उमर की है, एक काले पैन्न के साथ मेरे हाथ तथा बाजू पर रेखायें खींच रही थी।…

Fault in Hindi writing on the battery of Motorola’s Moto G phone

Moto G phone is not as exciting as it sounds I recently bought Motorola’s much talked about phone Moto G. It had great reviews and all the…

हिन्दी भाषा की ध्वनियाँ

क्या आप हिन्दी भाषा सीखना चाहते हैं? तो आयें सबसे पहले हिन्दी भाषा के अक्षरों का ज्ञान करलें तथा उन अक्षरों की ध्वनियों का बोध भी कर…

हिन्दी भाषा में आधा र कैसे लिखें

हिन्दी भाषा में किसी भी अक्षर को आधा अर्थात् विना अ के लिखा जा सकता है। अक्षर को आधा लिखने की आवश्यक्ता को समझने के लिये ये…

साई बाबा

नाम चाहे  जैसे भी लिखा जाये, मन की भावना का महत्व अधिक रहता है। फिर भले ही आप साई बाबा लिखें, साँई बाबा लिखें या साईं बाबा…

हिंदी या हिन्दी

यदि आप हिन्दी भाषा के बारे में जानते हैं तथा इसके अक्षरों को लिख या पढ़ सकते हैं तो आपको ये प्रश्न का उत्तर पता होना चाहिये।…

प्रेम क्या है

प्रेम क्या है शताब्दियों से ये प्रश्न लगभग प्रतयेक मनुष्य के मन में उठता है कि प्रेम क्या है। इसका अर्थ क्या है तथा इसकी परिभाषा क्या…

German to Hindi names of fruits

We are providing a list of German to Hindi names of fruits. You can also check the English to Hindi names of fruits. If you would like…

German to Hindi names of professionals

Here is the list of German to Hindi names of professions and professionals. If you want to know the meaning of any other name, you can let…

German to Hindi ordinals

Here are the names of German to Hindi ordinals.  If you would like to ask the name of any ordinal, you can write to us. German Hindi…

Hindi Ordinals

Here is the list of Hindi ordinals from English up to the count of 10th. If you need to know more about these ordinals, you can write…

List of German to Hindi names of body parts

List of German to Hindi names of body parts Here is a list of German to Hindi names of body parts. You can also check the English…

German to Hindi names of Directions

Here is a list of German to Hindi names of directions. You can also check the English to German names of directions. If you want to provide…

German to Hindi names of months

German to Hindi names of months of the year Here is a list of Hindi names of months from German. You can also know the English names…

German to Hindi pronouns

Here is a tabular form of German to Hindi pronouns as they are used in various cases. I hope this will help you in understanding the usage…

Hindi names of German weekdays

Here I provide the Hindi names of weekdays from German language. You can also click this link to know the English names of German weekday. I hope…

How to convert Kruti Dev 10 font to Unicode (Mangal)

Writing in Hindi font is not easy for lots of people–they find it difficult to have a Hindi keyboard and type in the font that is visible…

How to use Hindi keyboard in Windows 7

Hindi Keyboard With the emergence of Hindi websites and need of content, lots of people find themselves handicapped because they don’t know how to type in Hindi…