More Rajnikanth jokes in Hindi

जब गीदड़ की मौत आती है तो वो रजनीकान्त की ओर दौड़ता है–अपनी जान बचाने के लिए। ________________________________________________________________________ रजनीकान्त कभी विचार नहीं करते। वो हमेशा गाते हैं–सोचना…

New Rajnikanth Jokes in Hindi

एक किसान ने अपने मक्का के खेत में काग-उड़ावने (Scarecrow) के चेहरे पर रजनीकान्त की तस्वीर चिपका दी। नतीजा यह हुआ कि कौवे अगले ही दिन मक्की…

Rajnikanth Jokes in Hindi

एक बार रजनीकान्त ने एक एकड़ का खेत खरीदा ओर उसके चार कोनो पर कुएं खुदवाए अब रजनीकान्त वहाँ कैरम खेलता है… _____________________________________________________________ दूर-दूर गांव में जब…

Lord Krishna names for baby boy

Names of lord Krishna for baby boy Here we provide some common names of Lord Krishna that can be used to name a baby boy. If you…

Lord Shiva names for baby boy

Below, we are providing some common names ascribed to Lord Shiva. New born babies can be named on these names, as these names are quite popular. If…

Hanuman Chalisa in Hindi

जय हनुमान ज्ञान गुन सागर। जय कपीस तिहुँ लोक उजागर।। राम दूत अतुलित बल धामा। अन्जनि-पुत्र पवनसुत नामा।। महाबीर बिक्रम बजरङ्गी। कुमति निवार सुमति के सङ्गी।। कञ्चन…

Hindi names of birds

Hindi names of birds from English Here is a list of Hindi names of birds from English. If you would like to know Hindi name of any…

Hindi names of spices, food items in English

Below is the list of Hindi names of spices, food items used in daily routine in our kitchen. Do let us know if you know any other…

Insects names in Hindi and English| कीड़ों के हिंदी में नाम | 20 Insects names in Hindi and English

Here is a list of Hindi names of 20 insects from English. Almost all of them can be easily seen and known in our daily lives, as…

Hindi names of geographical distributions

List of Hindi names of geographical distributions I present here a list of names of geographical distributions English and Hindi. Universe ब्रह्माण्ड World विश्व Planet ग्रह Continent…

Similar Words in English and Hindi–8

Here is the next series of similar words in English and Hindi that have somewhat similar pronunciation and can be easily called cognate words in these two…

Similar Words in English and Hindi–7

Here is the next series of similar words in English and Hindi that have somewhat similar pronunciation and can be easily called cognate words in these two…

Similar Words in English and Hindi–6

Here is the next series of similar words in English and Hindi that have somewhat similar pronunciation and can be easily called cognate words in these two…

Similar Words in English and Hindi–5

Here is the next series of similar words in English and Hindi that have somewhat similar pronunciation and can be easily called cognate words in these two…

Similar Words in English and Hindi–4

Here is the next series of similar words in English and Hindi that have somewhat similar pronunciation and can be easily called cognate words in these two…

Similar Words in English and Hindi–3

Here is the next series of similar words in English and Hindi that have somewhat similar pronunciation and can be easily called cognate words in these two…

Similar Words in English and Hindi–2

Here is the next series of similar words in English and Hindi that have somewhat similar pronunciation and can be easily called cognate words in these two…

Similar Words in English and Hindi–1

Here is a list of similar words in English and Hindi. These words have some similar pronunciation and seems to be cognate in these two languages. The…

How to Write Half Consonants in Hindi

Write half letters in Hindi using Mangal If you are using the Mangal Font for writing Hindi, you might have to learn how to use the half…

Hindi Tattoos

Hindi translation and Hindi tattoos We are native speakers of Hindi and provide translation services for English to Hindi and Hindi to English. We provide services for…