हिन्दी भाषा–उपसर्ग क्या होते हैं
हिन्दी में यौगिक शब्दों की रचना के लिये उपसर्गों का प्रयोग होता है। उपसर्ग शब्दान्श के आगे या प्रारम्भ में जुड़कर उनका रूप तथा अर्थ बदल देते…
Mistakes in Punjabi and Hindi spellings in and around Gurgaon
I have noticed that though Delhi and Gurgaon direction signs try to maximize their readability by providing the names in 3-4 languages including English, Hindi, Punjabi and…
नामकरन संस्कार
It is admitted that a disciplined (Sanskrit) she-baby is equal to ten best sons. संस्कारों में शीलवती कन्या को दस श्रेष्ठ पुत्रों के समान माना जाता है।…
Funny spellings of Vrat during Navratri festival
Well, more often than not, you will notice funny spellings on shops, carts and other selling points. More often than not, these spellings are in English or…
Wrong spellings on Himachal Pradesh transport buses
Well, Hindi is not standardized in its original form and this is what leads to various types of interpretations and spellings variations, which of course cause a…
Fault in Hindi language in Delhi Metro
So, it is not that you are a foreigner and you don’t understand Hindi so well that you will end up making grammatical mistakes in Hindi language….
Same meaning words in Hindi
Same meaning words on synonyms in Hindi are called prayayvachi shabd. I present a list of few of these same meanings words in Hindi. Hindi Word Same…
Hindi alphabet sounds: Audio guide part 1
So, I am starting with this series where I would be providing audio guide to learn Hindi alphabet by providing some examples from English language. The main…
Hindi translation on websites still faulty
The websites are trying to catch the Hindi audience by providing them a Hindi version of the e-commerce website. However, the casual approach towards Hindi lands them…
Learning Hindi language–what foreigners should expect
Well, it is not easy to learn Hindi on your own and more so if you are not from India. However, if you really are up to…
बच्चे भाषा ज्ञान कैसे लेते हैं
कल मेरी बेटी जो कि दो वर्ष से भी छोटी उमर की है, एक काले पैन्न के साथ मेरे हाथ तथा बाजू पर रेखायें खींच रही थी।…
Fault in Hindi writing on the battery of Motorola’s Moto G phone
Moto G phone is not as exciting as it sounds I recently bought Motorola’s much talked about phone Moto G. It had great reviews and all the…
हिन्दी भाषा की ध्वनियाँ
क्या आप हिन्दी भाषा सीखना चाहते हैं? तो आयें सबसे पहले हिन्दी भाषा के अक्षरों का ज्ञान करलें तथा उन अक्षरों की ध्वनियों का बोध भी कर…
हिन्दी भाषा में आधा र कैसे लिखें
हिन्दी भाषा में किसी भी अक्षर को आधा अर्थात् विना अ के लिखा जा सकता है। अक्षर को आधा लिखने की आवश्यक्ता को समझने के लिये ये…
साई बाबा
नाम चाहे जैसे भी लिखा जाये, मन की भावना का महत्व अधिक रहता है। फिर भले ही आप साई बाबा लिखें, साँई बाबा लिखें या साईं बाबा…
हिंदी या हिन्दी
यदि आप हिन्दी भाषा के बारे में जानते हैं तथा इसके अक्षरों को लिख या पढ़ सकते हैं तो आपको ये प्रश्न का उत्तर पता होना चाहिये।…
प्रेम क्या है
प्रेम क्या है शताब्दियों से ये प्रश्न लगभग प्रतयेक मनुष्य के मन में उठता है कि प्रेम क्या है। इसका अर्थ क्या है तथा इसकी परिभाषा क्या…
German to Hindi names of fruits
We are providing a list of German to Hindi names of fruits. You can also check the English to Hindi names of fruits. If you would like…
Hindi names of seasons
List of Hindi names of seasons from English–ऋतुयें Here is a list of Hindi names of seasons from English. We will love to hear from you if…
Hindi Names of Birds
List of Hindi names of birds from English–पक्षी Here is a list of Hindi names of birds from English. Please note that there are many migratory birds…