No matter what course you decide to take at college or university, writing assignments are one of the most important elements of the studying process. When preparing papers of different types, students learn how to convey their thoughts and ideas, how to find, sort, and analyze the information, and how to sound persuasive.
Types of Essay
It may seem strange, but the greatest problem for students with essays is that they do not know what or who they should write about. It makes them feel frustrated and confused. There is no one universal answer to this question. It depends on the type of essay you have to write.
There are 4 major types of essays every student should know about. They are the following:
- Argumentative.
If you study science, technology, politics, and health care, you are probably well-familiar with this type of essay. It implies a deep investigation of the given topic. It’s necessary not only to state your opinion but prove it and make readers support it.
- Expository.
Your task is to explain or research something. You are to write a proper explanation of a definite theme, process, or set of ideas. You do not need to prove anything. You do not need to prove anything.
- Narrative.
You are to tell a story based on your own experience. The story must feature logic, chronology, and purpose. All the details you mention in the text should be connected with the main idea.
- Descriptive.
Your task is to describe any subject, idea, or issue. You should provide readers with a better understanding of the given idea. It’s necessary to utilize different details to sound more captivating.
Clear Structure Is a Must
Another crucial aspect is that the greater part of students doesn’t follow the needed structure of the text. Thus, their papers seem illogical and sometimes even meaningless.
The basic structure of any essay encompasses three parts – introduction, body, and conclusion. Intro indicates the idea you want to convey. The body is the largest part of the paper where you explain or prove your thoughts.
Moreover, when it comes to other types of writing assignments, such as a dissertation, a term paper, or a report, they all have a specific structure you should follow. The length of the work may be different depending on the requirements.
Only Accurate Data
When it comes to academic writing, fantasy and fiction are out of the question. Even if your task is to express your own thoughts or ideas, they have to be backed up with facts, statistics, or citations. It’s of prime importance to utilize only credible sources of information.
The question is where to find accurate data. It’s not a good idea to use the first website you find on the Internet. You may be surprised to learn that sometimes even Wikipedia may be deceptive. Thus, it’s better to consult reference books or specialists with proper experience. If you decide to use this or that manual as a source, you are to be sure that the data is relevant. The thing is, many printed books contain lots of outdated facts today.
There are several useful tips you may experience. Thus, it’s better to use academic search engines instead of traditional ones. Then, you are to get the most from versatile digital libraries and databases. Yet, not all of them are free.
Main Stages of Essay Writing
The process of essay writing is a real art. Yet, it has several strict rules you should follow to reach the best results. First of all, you have to provide papers that fully correspond to the given topic and format. For instance, if your task is to write your ideas about modern architecture, you should not repeat the thoughts of some modern architects or critics. At the same time, you may illustrate your ideas or provide some pieces of evidence by citing modern architects or critics.
In order to write a really good essay, you should take three steps. They are the following:
- Preparation.
You are to investigate the topic, gather, analyze, and process all the needed data.
- Writing.
You have to pay attention to the right choice of words, terms, and grammar structures. Mistakes of any type are out of the question.
- Check.
After your essay is ready, you should check for mistakes and uniqueness. Your paper must contain no plagiarised elements.
It’s not a good idea to skip any of the above-mentioned stages. Otherwise, you risk getting a paper of poor quality.
In Case of Emergency Ask for Help from Professionals
It won’t be an exaggeration to say that, for some students, essays are the real torture for a number of reasons. Some of them are not fond of the idea of spending several hours writing essays. Others lack time or knowledge. Moreover, there are students who just do not want to waste their time on such assignments.
No matter what the reason is why you can’t cope with the task, there is a perfect solution. Thanks to the online option “write my essay for me,” you will save your time, nerves, and effort.
DoMyEssay is an awesome online company that can cope with this task as soon as possible. Experienced and qualified writers provide you with excellent essays of any level of complexity. You can’t help but appreciate low prices and fast speed of delivery. Moreover, if something goes wrong, and there are some mistakes, typos, or inaccuracies in the text, you may count on the free revision of the work.
So, before you write a word, you should think twice or thrice about what you are going to tell your readers. If you do not catch the main idea of the task, it’s better to clarify the requirements. You are to rely only on checked and accurate data. If you are not sure that you are able to cope with the paper on your own, it’s better to ask for help from professionals. Nowadays, it’s possible to find a service that provides you with a top-notch essay on any topic. You may use it as a sample when writing your own papers of the same type.